Felice Herrig gets another decision and beats Rakoczy
Bellator XIV: Felice Herrig vs. Jessica Rakoczy
Round 1
Herrig starts things out with a leg kick and is countered by a flurry of punches from Rakoczy. Rakoczy pushes Herrig into the fence and looks to land short strikes in the clinch. Herrig creates some space and backs away. Rakoczy lands a solid left hook to the jaw of Herrig just before Felice secures a takedown. Herrig working from Rakoczy’s full guard, looking to pass. Herrig’s corner is calling for her to drop elbows from the top position. Rakoczy rolls Herrig with a smooth sweep. Herrig looks to work her rubber guard for a possible gogoplata but Jessica escapes the position. Rakoczy staying tight in Herrig’s full guard. Felice looks for an armbar and Rakoczy reverses the position. Herrig is out and drops a solid hammerfist from the top to close out the first.
Round 2
Herrig opens up with a solid combination of punches. A solid body punch from Herrig and Rakoczy backs up. Herrig looks for a guillotine choke and jumps into guard as Rakoczy slams Felice to the canvas. Rakoczy walking Herrig to the fence and Herrig throws up a tight triangle attempt before switching to an armbar attempt. Herrig looks for the triangle again and Rakoczy escapes danger. Back to their feet and Herrig hops up for a guillotine attempt once again. Herrig is directly deposited onto the canvas violently one more time. Rakoczy escapes the guillotine attempt and works from Herrig’s full guard. Herrig scrambles back to her feet and we’re back standing as the bell signals the end of the second.
Round 3
Herrig starts the third with a left hook and Rakoczy backs away. Jessica locks Herrig up into the clinch and works a few solid knees to the body. Rakoczy is pushing Herrig against the fence. Jessica backs away and they’re back to trading punches. Another solid exchange of punches from both women. Rakoczy counters a Herrig teep kick with a hard right hand. Solid teep kick lands for Felice. Herrig rushes forward for a takedown attempt and Rakoczy defends well. Separated once again, Rakoczy tees off with a hard series of punches before the final bells sounds.
Official Result
Felice Herrig def. Jessica Rakoczy via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)