Inivcta FC 24 Fight and Play by Play Results in Realtime
Live Fight Results in Realtime
Mara Romero Borella(11-4) Defeats Milana Dudieva(11-6) Decision (Split) 3×5 at Invicta FC 24 (125 lbs)
This fight looks to be a challenge for both fighters looking to become contenders, Milana was at 135lbs moved down to flyweight for this fight and looks to make this her weight class, hopefully Mara can make this fight exciting.
Rnd 1
touch of gloves, feeling each other out, mara comes out swinging but milana gets in the clinch and gets the takedown, strikes by milana, counter by mara, milana stalking, milana strikes but mara counters, jab by mara, milana stalking, body punch by milana, right hand by mara, mara goes for takedwon, standing guillotin by milana, takedown by milana with guillotine attempt,
Milana gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Mara
Rnd 2
touch of gloves, huge jab by mara, kick by mara, milana goes for takedown, mara goes for throw but losses grip, mara on clinch control, trip by milana, mara on top, mara getting some GnP, punches to the body by milana, mara on top, GnP by mara on top, mara GnP on milana, mara on top control most of round, upkick by milana,
Mara gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Milana
Rnd 3
touch of gloves, milana lump on forehead, puffy right eye, huge right hand by milana but mara counters, trip by mara now mara on top control, mara on top and getting some GnP and elbows, armbar by milana, mara gets out with body slam of milana, now mara on top, milana defending, mara on top, punches to the body by milana from the bottom, milana scrambling, both fighters scamble to the bell.
Mara gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Milana
Jinh Yu Frey(6-2) Defeats Ashley Cummins(5-4) By Decision (Unanimous) 3×5 at Invicta FC 24 (105 lbs)
I can’t predict this fight, it will be close as both fighters will bring it…
Rnd 1
touch of gloves, ashley comes out stalking, kick to the head by ashley, ashley going for takedown, takedown by jinh, jinh on top control, ashley gets back up, back to the center, takedown by jinh, jinh on top control, ashley defending well, jinh stands up, ashley tries to upkick, ashley jabs from the bottom, kick by ashley, jab by ashley, kick by ashley,
Jinh gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Ashley
Rnd 2
kick by ashley, now jinh gets clinch and gets takedown, jinh on top control, armbar attempt by ashley but jinh gets out, jinh gets out again, ashley, another armbar attempt by ashley, jinh gets out again, ashley gets out and gets up, takedown by jinh, top control by jinh, ashley defending, armbar attempt by ashley, jinh defending, ashley wants it, jinh survives the armbar…
Ashley gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Jinh
Rnd 3
Jinh gets takedown with top control and ashley looking for another submission attempt, jinh still has control on top, ashley trying hard to get armbar attempt, ashley tries to get up and jihn jumps her back looks for RNC, spin by ashley, jihn gets in better position, armbar attempt by ashley, jinh gets out, jinh on top with elbows, ashley defending, bell rings
Jinh gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Ashley
Pam Sorenson(6-2) Defeats Helena Kolesnyk(5-1) By Submission (Armbar) 3:12 Rnd 1 at Invicta FC 24 (145 lbs)
I think Pam will have her hands full for this fight as she missed weight and the edge will go to Helena due to that but Pam is a veteran and can hang with tough fighters and is a better grappler in the battles she’s been in…
Rnd 1
Here we go! touch of gloves, center of cage, jab by pam, takedown by pam, pam on top control, knee to the body by pam, more knees to the body by pam, helena trying to get out, GnP by pam, more GnP by Pam, pam wins by submission armbar
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Karina Rodríguez(5-2) Defeats Bárbara Acioly(4-1) By TKO (Punches) 2:14 Rnd 1 at Invicta FC 24 (125 lbs)
Rnd 1
Here we go, touch of gloves, jabs by both, karina knocks barbara down with hard punches!! but barbara is hanging in there, karina is just pounding away and karina just takes the win with a stoppage by the Ref due to strikes..
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Miranda Maverick(3-0) Defeats Gabby Romero(2-2) By Decision (Unanimous) 3×5 at Invicta FC 24 (125 lbs)
This fight looks to be even with Miranda having the edge.
Rnd 1
Here we go, touch of gloves, jab by gabby, left jab by miranda, back at center, kick by gabby, jab by miranda, gabby went for takedown and but gabby makes a mistake and miranda gets on top, now both fighters on leg lock, gabby makes move to top position, gabby on top, armbar attempt by gabby, and miranda escapes the armbar..
Gabby gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Miranda.
Rnd 2
gabby kicks in, both fighters at center, gabby goes for takedown, miranda defends and gets out in space, jab by miranda, leg kicks by miranda doing damage, jabs by miranda, upper cut by miranda, knee by miranda, gabby going for takedown, miranda gets a heavy uppercut and stumbles gabby, now miranda on top with some good GnP, miranda going for armbar, gabby gets out, miranda on top, gabby in trouble, elbow to the body by miranda,
Miranda gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Gabby
Rnd 3
touch of gloves, uppercuts by miranda, miranda has clinch control on the cage, jabs to the body by miranda, hard punches by miranda, now clinch by miranda, back at center, gabby gets some good punches in, takedown by miranda, miranda on the back of gabby, gabby back on top and in armbar position, miranda defending, submission attempt by gabby, miranda and gabby go to the bell
Miranda gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Gabby
Sunna Rannveig Davíðsdóttir(3-0) Defeats Kelly D’Angelo(2-1) Decision (Unanimous) 3×5 at Invicta FC 24 (115 lbs)
This fight looks to be even, it could go either way! both fighters are ready to scrap it on and leave it all in the cage tonight, lots of friends on both sides looking for each fighter to win!
Rnd 1
Here we go, touch of gloves, punches from both fighters, clinch by sunna, sunna has control, looking for takedown, elbow by kelly, good right hand by sunna, both fighters punching hard, now center of cage, good punch by kelly by her right hand, kelly getting the better of the punches, sunna throws combos kelly takes them, kelly gets in a hard right hand, sunna clinches hard to the cage, and kelly defending, and sunna gets a takedown, kelly gets back up, cut on sunna, broke nose on sunna, sunna goes for another clinch and rams kelly to the cage, knees to the body by sunna, kelly defending, both fighters getting knees in,
Kelly gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Sunna
Rnd 2
Here we go, sunna gets shots in and kelly counters, sunna gets another takedown, Sunna has control on top, sunna now standing, kelly gets back up, another takedown by sunna kelly in trouble, now sunna on top control, kelly working her but losses it, sunna has more control on the ground, looking for a submission on kelly, GnP by sunna, elbows by sunna, kelly in trouble, GnP by Sunna, more elbows by sunna, GnP is on for sunna, more GnP by sunna, kelly survives by the bell
Sunna gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Kelly
Rnd 3
Here we go, a little slower, kelly looking for a good punch, sunna stalking, good jab by sunna, clinch control lost by sunna and kelly blocks and pushes out, elbow by sunna, great combo by sunna, kelly gets a hard right hand, sunna goes for the clinch, kelly pushes sunna away from the clinch, sunna goes for takedown and kelly defends, kelly gets out and pushes away, kick by sunna, kick punch by sunna, right hand by kelly, hard punch by sunna, sunna gets another takedown and kelly tries to defend, now control by sunna, Sunna gets the last round
Sunna gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Kelly
Felicia Spencer(3-0) Defeats Amy Coleman(2-2) By Submission (RNC) 3:17 Rnd 1 at Invicta FC 24 (145 lbs)
First fight on the night should be a good fight, although Amy Coleman did miss weight and was fined 25% of her purse this fight will continue as a catchweight of 150 or 149 with the hopes of Felicia getting the “W” Coleman has already lost with Invicta and Spencer is 2-0 with Invicta and will probably make it 3-0 since she is the fan favorite!
Rnd 1
Here we go, touch of gloves, takedown by coleman, spencer upkick, coleman GnP, spencher back up, coleman hitting hard, coleman catches leg and spenchers go for a few jabs that connect, clinch by spencer, foot stomp by spencer, takedown by spencer, knee by spencer, coleman back up, clinch control by spencer, spencer going for another takedown and gets it, GnP by spencer, and now spencer on her back, coleman defending, RNC by spencer, tap by coleman,
Spencer gets the RNC in the first round!
Rnd 2
Rnd 3