
Invicta FC 26 Live Play By Play Fight Results
The complete fight card for Invicta FC 26 can be found below:
Alright everyone its almost time and we cannot wait for the last fight card of the year! there is already a date for the first card of the year I will get into that in a bit…
check out the first fight at the bottom of this post…
Flyweight Title: Jennifer Maia (15-4) Defeats Aga Niedźwiedź (10-1) By Decision (Unanimous) 5×5
Here we go, both fighters are evenly matched for this fight, Jennifer has been off for 13 months due to injury lets see if she keep the ring rust off and Aga well she’s undefeated and hopes to keep it that way….
Rnd 1
here we go! touch of gloves, feeling each other out, kick by aga, jen throws some jabs, nice jab by jen, knees to the body by jen, aga defends in the clinch, kick to the body by aga, jen looking for TD but Jen can only clinch control onto cage, knee to the body by jen, back to center, nice combo by aga, jen counters with jabs, more jabs by jen, aga catches leg and throws a hard punch and knocks jen down and now aga on top and picks up jen slams her to the ground, aga has control, aga, looking for Gnp bell rings
Aga gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Jennifer
Rnd 2
aga comes out swinging and jabs the chin of jen who is rocked backwards and aga takes control with a flurry of punches and jen has to take clinch control to the cage, jen looks rocked and slowly recovering, elbows by jen and puffs the right eye of aga, jen has recovered and striking back, aga goes for TD but misses and comes up with uppercut, aga rocks jen back to the clinch of the cage, and jen reverses, jen knees the leg, knees to the body by jen in the clinch, done
Aga gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Jennifer
Rnd 3
both fighters come out kicking, big jab by aga, jen looking to get inside but missing, jab combo by jen, aga gets TD and now aga on top looking for some GnP, jen defending looking for submission, both fighters getting punches in, now aga stands, jen and aga back at center, big punch by aga, jen has clinch control, jen controlled on the cage at the end of the round
Aga gets Rnd 3 10-9 over jennifer
Rnd 4
both fighters come out feeling each other looking for space and jen gets the first punch inside, knee to the body by aga, jen has clinch control, aga looking to clear space, aga reverses now in control, jen reverses, both get knees to the body, jen looking for TD but aga defending, elbow by aga stuns jen and jen yells at corner in frustration, jen in control, elbow by jen, both get knees to the body before the round ends
Aga gets Rnd 4 10-9 over Jen
Rnd 5
here we go, touch of gloves, kick by aga, kick by jen, jab by aga, kick to the body by aga, left hand by jen, overhand by aga, kick by aga, jab by jen, both fighters are at center, kick to the stomach by aga, right hand by Jen, big right hand by jen, TD attempt by aga and jen sprawls and aga backs out, aga bleeding from nose, big time combos by both fighters, aga goes for another TD attempt and jen defends, now jen is bleeding from nose, kick by jen, both fighters just throwing a flurry of punches to end the fight and it was sweet wow…..
Aga gets Rnd 5 10-9 over Jen
Strawweight: Mackenzie Dern (4-0) Defeats Kaline Medeiros (8-5) By Submission (Armbar) 4:45 Rnd 3
I am happy the Kaline is getting a co-main event tonight its going to be a war tonight! even tho Dern is pretty good especially at BJJ we will see what happens when she gets in with some well rounded fighters…
Rnd 1
here we go!! both kick each other, nice jabs by kaline, kaline makes dern miss, jabs by kaline, kaline throws her down, both clinch and dern gets a nice overhand and stuns kaline, dern gets the clinch on kaline now back at center, overhand right by dern and kick but kaline hangs tough, dern goes for TD and both moves to clinch, and now kaline gets clinch control at the end of round and dern has cut bottom lip.
Dern gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Medeiros
Rnd 2
right by kaline, kick to the body by dern, jab by kaline, jab again, big jab by kaline, dern kicks and kaline catches it, now kaline has control , now back at center, dern goes for guillotine choke and kaline sneaks out, now kaline had control, now on bottom, dern on top and kaline working, dern Gnp on kaline, kaline rolls to her back, kaline makes the bell
Dern gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Madeiros
Rnd 3
touch of gloves and hug, huge TD by Kaline, huge shot by dern, dern has clinch now kaline reverses, knees to the body by kaline, kaline still control on the cage, dern looking for TD but can’t do it, hard punches by kaline, back at center, jabs by kaline, dern gets armbar
what a sloppy win by Dern, she was slow, I can’t believe the commentators gave her that much praise, jesus…
Strawweight: Janaisa Morandin (10-1) Defeats Kinberly Novaes (9-4) By Decision (Unanimous) 3×5
This fight could make fight of the night as they call it, its pretty even with them I believe both fighters are well rounded and can make a run for the title one day.. Morandin missed weight and will lose 25% of her purse.
Rnd 1
here we go, no touch of gloves, both kick each other but both fighters get into clinch position and switching back and forth, both get knees to the body, now both back at center, janaisa gets a hard right hand and swells up kinberly right eye, and jan has clinch control on the cage, knee to the body by jan, kinberly defending , big punches by kinberly, back at center, both fighters get punches inside now kinberly has clinch control on the cage, knee to the body by both fighters, jan tries to reverse, kinberly sticks hard, spin out by jan but gets in, nice punch flurry by both fighters at the end of round
Janaisa gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Kinberly
Rnd 2
both fighters stare each other down before the bell, at center, jab by jan, kick by kinberly, big right hand by jan, big elbow by jan makes kinberly bleed and looks like she can’t breath, high head kick by jan, big elbow by jan, now jan is getting some good elbows in and now kinberly is bleeding pretty hard right now, kinberly is still punching away and hanging tough, knees by kinberly, jan reverses, and now clinched by jan, knee to the body by jan, huge knee to the body by jan, big punches to the body by both fighters and kinberly is hanging tough, and the fight is over,
Janaisa gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Kinberly
Rnd 3
here we go, both looked good coming out, jab by jan, left by kinberly, kinberly goes for TD and misses, kinberly punches do not have anything on them and jan with spinning back kick that lands to the chin on kinberly but she still standing, Jan is control of fight with hard punches, Kinberly is trying hard to stay in, but Jan is too powerful, jan kicks to the body and kinberly goes flying back to the cage, and now jan has clinch control on the cage and kinberly is just barely hanging on, kinberly arm look like lead pipes to jans punches…
Janaisa gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Kinberly
Flyweight: Vanessa Porto (19-8) Defeats Milana Dudieva (11-7) By TKO (Kick to the Body) 3:02 Rnd 3
both fighters are coming off losses and are desperately looking for wins, and both fighters do not want the judges to score this fight, we will have to see how this goes tonight, porto missed weight for this fight and will forfeit 25% of her purse.
Rnd 1
here we go!! touch of gloves, kick by vanessa, another by porto, milana overhand punch, jab by porto, kick by milana, kick and overhand by milana, kick by porto and then jab by milana, porto goes for clinch and gets caught by milana with throwing TD and is now stuck in a headlock with milana on top doing some GnP, now porto gets out tries for takedown and milana gets on top of porto, milana just punching away, now milana going for RNC, porto gets out now top guard, head arm choke by porto, the bell saves both fighters
during the replay Milana did grab the fence during a takedown by Porto
Milana gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Vanessa
Rnd 2
both fighters now slower in pace, nice jabs by porto, spinning back fist by milana, inside legs by porto to the lead leg of milana, kick to the body by porto, kick and jabs by porto, milana spins again but misses, eye poke by porto, fight is stopped now back to action, kick to lead leg by porto, both miss with slight jabs, overhand right was hard to land on porto by milana, kick to the head by porto, jab by porto, clinch by milana, milana looking for TD, porto looking for TD, elbows to the face of milana with a punch by Porto.
Vanessa gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Milana
Rnd 3
touch of gloves, both in center, jab by porto, kick punch by milana, porto in control with kick and punch combo, milana protecting her right side, porto used her kicks and punch combo to the body to win this fight in the end…
Strawweight: Virna Jandiroba (12-0) Defeats Amy Montenegro (8-3) By Submission (Armbar) 2:50 Rnd 1
Virna’s music sounds cool, this fight looks to be interesting virna really never fighting in the US now fighting for the first time could prove to be a good one, amy came in overweight so this should be a slight edge to Virna but we will have to see….
Rnd 1
here we go! touch of gloves, virna leg body kick, another leg body kick, jabs by virna, high kick by virna, jabs by virna, takedown by virna, side control by virna, now on top control and is mounted, armbar by virna….that was sweet by Virna…
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Atomweight: Amber Brown (7-4) Defeats Tessa Simpson (5-3) By Submission (Armbar) : Rnd 1
this will be a good fight, Amber missed weight, she admitted that it was her time of the month and could not get the weight off, still many believe that all fighters should make weight….Tessa should win this fight we hope….
Rnd 1
here we go! no touch of gloves, in center, tessa is in a armbar lock by amber due to a rollover by both fighters…..
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Flyweight: Karina Rodríguez (6-2) Defeats Christine Ferea (1-2) By Decision (Unanimous) 3×5
Both of these fighters are going to duke it out tonight, this will be a nice flyweight war… I have always thought christine had a awesome punch especially when she took down ostivich which I think give her the edge IMO, but we have to see..
Rnd 1
here we go touch of gloves, kick by chris, karina gets a stiff jab, kick to the body by karina, now chris has clinch to the cage, now karina reverses has clinch, knees to the body by karina, now back off, in center, overhand by chris, more kicks by chris, jabs by both, both fighters are trying to find their range, and keep kick for range, chris goes for TD, end of Rnd 1
Christine gets Rnd 1 10-9 over Karina
Rnd 2
more kicks, now chris is moving her head more often, kick to the body by karina, karina does a kick gets caught does back spinning fist misses, now both fighters are just in center, bang out in center, right hand to the body by chris, blood from the nose of chris,, back in center, karina throwing some good punches but missing a lot too, both fighters threw a flurry of kicks and punches to end rnd 2
Christine gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Karina
Rnd 3
chris waves to karina, touch of gloves, jabs by both, blood to the lower left eye on karina, karina gets a flurry of kicks and punches on chris and is controlling round 3, chris chasing karina, chris gets a jab and and hard punch on karina, karina keeps missing with high kick, hard jab by chris, kick by karina, spinning back kick by chris, chris waves karina on, kick to body by chris, kick to the body by chris, after catching leg of karina, strong jab by chris with counter by karina, uppercut by chris but karina is countering, chris is huring with her overhand, both fighers duke it out hard with leg kicks, knees to the body, overhand, jabs, uppercuts at the end of rnd 3 and put on a show for the fans
Christine gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Karina
I guess its good that I am not a judge!!! wow
Strawweight: Kay Hansen (1-0) Defeats Emilee Prince (0-1) By Submission (Armbar) 1:23 Rnd 1
Here we have to unknowns getting ready to battle it out making the pro and promotional debut with Invicta, both of these fighters made weight respectively and we hope to see a good fight tonight…
Emilee Prince(24) comes out first and listening to her interview and she seems confident still kinda wondering how she will implement her game plan tho…
Kay Hansen (18) comes out with the US Flag and a country song, in the interview she said she wants to make it “Brutal” interesting…
Rnd 1
here we go, clinching by prince, prince gets a take down, now back up in the clinch, kay has clinch on the cage, kay gets a takedown, kay on top control, kay gets armbar in the first round…
Rnd 2
Rnd 3