Kelly Kobold and Gina Carano MMA Fight
What a great fight between Kelly and Gina…its was a duel to the end, Kelly hung in there with getting a good gash over her right eye sustained by a knee kick that Gina gave. It went the full three rounds and Kelly did a great job of just trying to stay right up there with Gina. When watching the fight you can see that Gina had the height and the long reach that Kelly could not overcome. Kelly goal was to pin Gina to the ground and Gina leg strength just kept her standing tall through out the match. Kelly did get her down in the second round and through some good punches but Gina was saved by the bell. Gina only had a busted lip throughout the whole match and showed her strength in the ring. Gina had some kicks in the third round that Kelly took on without going down. I have to say this was the best match between the two women and this put all the critics down who have said that Gina has not fought anyone yet. Gina can fight and can take it. I am looking forward to the next match and to find out if Gina will fight Tara soon. During the fight there was another fighter that said that Gina should be fighting but I think Gina needs to fight Tara and see who is really tought. Oh one more thing after the fight was over Gina did say that she was frustrated with Kelly and just tried to do the best she could. more to come