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Lisa Ward Defeats Aisling Daly by Unanimous Decision


Just watching a great fight and it was good all the way, but in the third round you can see both fighters were tired, if Lisa wants a chance against Megumi Fujii she needs more stamina or endurance.

All three rounds were given to Lisa Ward as Aisling Daly tried to work from the ground but could not get out from being on the bottom, both fighters were throwing excellent punches but Lisa has amazing strength was able to over power Aisling and get good take downs, just like you see in Miesha Tate.

So now the table is set as Zoila Frausto vs Jessica Aguilar and Lisa Ward vs Megumi Fujii dates for the Ward vs Fujii will be announced at a later date and will post accordingly…

Lisa Ward defeats Aisling Daly (@aisydaly) by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) after three rounds. #Bellator#MMA


Round by Round done by Bellator:

Round 1

The fighters immediately start slinging punches. Ward clinches up and pushes Daly into the cage.  Ward locks in a head and arm toss and scores the takedown. Ward is now in half guard but is struggling to find room to fire off punches. Daly has a tight grasp, but Ward pulls back and fires punches to the midsection.  Ward continues to control from the top position, but is unable to do much damage.  Ward postures up scoring a few hard blows to the head.  Ward comes back to the canvas and lands a few more shots to the head before Daly ties her up to stop the barrage.  Ward lands a series of shots to the ribs of Daly from half guard. Ward lands a few more shots to the head as the round comes to an end.  A dominating round in favor of Ward.

Round 2

Daly immediately rushes forward and Ward catches her again with a head and arm throw for a takedown. Daly works her way back to her feet and pushes Ward into the cage. Daly lands a solid knee to the midsection.  Ward reverses the clinch and attempts another head and arm that Daly slips through.  Back in the middle, Daly presses the action, Ward lands a knee and follows it with another head and arm takedown.  Ward is in half guard and attempts to pass to full mount.  Daly scrambles and is able to gain a reversal and is now on top.  Daly is warned for a blow to the back of the head.  Ward is doing a solid job holding Daly tight. Ward scrambles and Daly counters with a north-south position. Daly is landing soft shots to the hips and Ward tries to stall out on bottom.  Ward attempts an inverted triangle, but Daly spins to side control.  Ward scrambles for an escape but Daly takes her back to the canvas as the round closes.  A close round that appears go slightly to Ward.

Round 3

The fighters come out firing punches wildly looking to score a heavy blow. Ward clinches and gets another takedown throw. Ward is in half guard and scoring blows to the ribs of Daly. Ward gains wrist control and is landing blows to the midsection. Daly scrambles to her base and Ward responds quickly by taking her back. Ward is struggling to flatten Daly out. Daly is working to move out the back door, rolls and Ward gets her flat for a second. Daly scrambles again and return to her back, getting Ward back into half guard. Daly, sensing she is behind, scrambles and gives up her back again. Ward slaps on a body triangle and is holding on as the clock ticks down. Ward attempts a weak rear naked attempt but gives it up quickly. Daly tries to power out again with Ward on her back, but Ward is able to flatten Daly down as the fight comes to an end.   A convincing round by Ward to secure the victory.

Official Result


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