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Thirteen Things! With Brittany Anne Robertson


Name: Brittany Anne Robertson

Age: 30

Location: Austin, TX

Weight Class: 135

Pro/Ammy: Ammy


1. If you had a super power what would it be? Super strength, of course.


2. Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island? Someone who has some outdoor survival skills who also looks like Michael Fassbender.


3. What DVD could you watch over and over? X-Men: First Class. And I do.


4. If you won $1,000,000, what’s the first thing you’d buy? I’d buy my way out of my and my brothers’ student loan debt. Then use the rest for however much time it buys me with Michael Fassbender.


5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? My endgame is a cabin in Montana. Unblemished nature and solitude is the dream. But for now, Austin’s great. There are trees, watering holes and other green spots, and this is where my team is.


6. What’s the last thing you ate? Chicken wings, black beans, cabbage stir fry, a nectarine and the Cadillac of apples: a honeycrisp. I ate all of my lunch in one go 🙁


7. At which store would you like to max-out a credit card? www.muaythai-fighting.com – I’d buy everything and regret nothing.


8. Who’s your fave sports team? New Orleans Saints! My parents are from Louisiana, and my father is a ride or die fan until the end of time.


9. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple, violet or whatever she’s calling herself these days.


10. What’s your fave song/artist right now? Kendrick Lamar (and Kanye West).


11. What restaurant would you choose for date night? A chicken wing place! Buffalo Wild Wings, Scholtz Beer Garten, Pluckers…


12. What’s the farthest you’ve been from home? When I lived in Hawaii, I once visited my cousin in Alabama, so that may have been the farthest. I’m a military kid so that’s hard to answer.


13. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you choose? I won’t say the first name that I’m thinking, because I have my dignity, but I’ll share the second: Neil deGrasse Tyson. He’s so intelligent, knowledgeable and EXCITED about teaching others, that I can’t help but to endorse the fact his attitude is what the point of knowledge is all about.

Whether the field of study is astrophysics, wrestling, Brazilian jiu jitsu, or film, the point of acquiring knowledge and choosing to embark on a lifelong journey of learning isn’t just to benefit the individual. The point of knowledge is for it to be shared. Teaching others enhances our own understanding, and helping others as they learn keeps us all relating to each other, humbled and connected.




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