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Ronda Rousey drug tested more often than any other MMA fighter

When athletes are as successful as Ronda Rousey, it’s not uncommon for people to wonder if there is something helping their success, such as performance-enhancing drugs. According to the USADA, Rousey has been drug tested more than any other MMA fighter since implementing a new drug testing policy beginning in July. Rousey’s biggest rivals, Bethe […]

ICYMI: BREAKING | Amanda Nunes and Raquel Pennington’s Fight is Official for UFC 224

Paige VanZant will take on Joanne Calderwood on Fight Pass Card December 10th

Paige posted earlier that she just signed a new contract with the UFC but did not name an opponent for her next fight. An opponent has been named, she is taking on the hard hitting Joanne Calderwood on Fight Pass card that happens on December 10th in Las Vegas. Strawweights @PaigeVanzantUFC & @DRkneevil headline #UFCVegas […]

ICYMI: BREAKING | Amanda Nunes and Raquel Pennington’s Fight is Official for UFC 224

Claudinha Gadelha Gets Surprised test by USADA

Claudinha Gadelha Gets Surprised test by USADA Claudinha Gadelha Mais uma vez sendo testada de surpresa pela Autoridade de controle de dopagem. Aqui jogamos forte mas jogamos limpo. || One more time being tested and always going to the game clean. That Indian blood tho. ???? #teamgadelha #ufc #mma #mmagirl #grinder #indian #latina One more […]

ICYMI: BREAKING | Amanda Nunes and Raquel Pennington’s Fight is Official for UFC 224