InvictaFC 25 Play By Play and Live Fight Results

Check us out in Real time as we follow tonight’s fight action with all the fighters that are taking the cage at the Tachi Fight Palace in Califiornia.
If you cannot be there or watch the fight I will be giving round by round action here, stay tuned!
1955hrs - Live Fight Results
We are now an hour away from tonight’s broadcast on UFC Fight Pass and what a fight we have tonight, we will crown a new Bantamweight Champion and some new fighters will make their promotional debut while other fighters will try to keep their perfect records intact!
2032hrs - Live Fight Results
If you are watching this post you don’t have to refresh the page it will automatically update/refresh on its own, we have 28 minutes till we go live!
Yana Kunitskaya(10-3)* Defeats Raquel Pa’aluhi(6-6) By Decision (Unanimous) 5×5 at Invicta FC 25* (135 lbs)
Both fighters are just looking for a win since some big name fighters have left the promotion. I believe Raquel can eek out this fight against the Russian…
Rnd 1
0032hrs - Live Fight Results
Instructions, touch of gloves, here we go! they go to the clinch, yana has control on the cage, raq is looking for the takedown, yana defending, knee to the body by raq, knees by both, clinch contorl by yana, raq is bleeding already, punches in the clinch by yana, yana backs up, takedown by raq, raq on top looking for sub attempt, both fighters make it to the bell
Yana gets Round 1 10-9 over Raquel
Rnd 2
0040hrs - Live Fight Results
yana stalks raq and kicks her back to the cage, big punch by raq, now back to clinch control by yana, yana has raq against the cage, yana moves back out, raq goes for takedown and yana defends, yana stalking raq, yana back in control, yana backs out, spinning kick by yana and yana goes to clinch control,
Yana gets Round 2 over Raquel
Rnd 3
0049hrs - Live Fight Results
kick by raq, both punch and land, both are landing combos, yana bulldogs raq to the cage, kicks by yana, kicks by raq, raq goes for takedown but yana defends, yana in clinch control, kick to the head by yana, yana in clear control with kicks and punches, raq clearly frustrated with yana
Yana gets Round 3 10-9 over Raquel
Rnd 4
2100hrs - Live Fight Results
more kicks by yana, jabs by yana, yana back in the clinch against the cage, back at center, yana in control and stalking raq, takedown attempt by raq but yana defends, back at center, raq still frustrated she cannot get a takedown attempt, raq gets a takedown but yana is saved by the bell.
Yana gets Round 4 10-9 over Raquel
Rnd 5
0100hrs - Live Fight Results
baack at center, jabs and punches by both fighters, now yana has clinch control on the cage, raq looking for takedown, raq goes for TD again but yana defends and gets clinch control on the cage, raq looking for TD, back at center, yana has sub attempt and kneeing raq, back t center, yana clinch control on the cage, yana in complete control, yana defends all TD attempts by raq, TD by raq, and yana reverses and gets back up and back at center, yana gets the clinch, and yana and raq go the distance.
Yana gets Round 5 10-9 over Raquel
Livia Renata Souza(11-1) Defeats Janaisa Morandin(9-1) By Decision (Unanimous) 3×5 at Invicta FC 25 (115 lbs)
Livia and Janaisa really have a bone against each other, Livia does have an advantage, but I think Jan can eek out a win if she plays the right game…
Rnd 1
0002hrs - Live Fight Results
no touch of gloves, here we go! liv kick, jan gets first punch, jan gets combos thru stuns liv, takedown by liv, liv on top control, gnp by liv, liv with strong gnp, jan trying to defend, more gnp by liv, jan looking for a way out, now liv on top again with some gnp to the body, liv stands up, jan gets back up with liv clinch control, takedown by liv and back on top, gnp by live, armbar by jan but liv gets out, liv goes for sub attempt but jan saved by the bell
Livia gets Round 1 10-9 over Janaisa
Rnd 2
0012hrs - Live Fight Results
here we go! back at center, big punch by jan, another big punch by jan, left eye swelling by jan, takedown attempt by liv and now she’s on top and jan on her back, gnp by liv, back in clinch, takedown by liv, now liv on top, liv on sub attempt, releases it, ref comes in, jan elbows jan, but liv gets another takedown and jan on her back again, jan in sub attempt, jan bleeding, but liv and jan saved by the bell
Livia gets Round 2 10-9 over Janaisa
Rnd 3
0016hrs - Live Fight Results
big punches by both fighters, at center, liv looking for takedown, liv gets another takedown, now in control on top, gnp by liv, liv in control on top late in the round, gnp by liv, liv still in control, jan looking for sub attempt, jan tried to get back up, bu liv just stalks her back down, liv still in control, liv controls the fight on the ground
Livia gets Round 3 10-9 over Janaisa
Katharina Lehner(6-0) Defeats Alexa Conners(4-2) By TKO (Punches) 4:21 Rnd 1 at Invicta FC 25 (135 lbs) Catch-weight of 140lbs
This fight could be Alexa’s dream fight, usually foreigner’s have a tough time coming to the states and winning, you can say we have some tough fighters here in the US but hey its MMA anything can happen, again Alexa has the edge! and BTW Katharina did miss weight, Invicta does have a problem with fighters missing weight, she gives up 25% of her purse
Rnd 1
2345hrs - Live Fight Results
Kat comes stalking alexa, jabs by alexa, both fighters are getting combo punches in, kat is throwing combos, clinch by kat, alex holding her own and defending well, kat still stalking, combos by kat, kat gets some good punches thru and stumbles alex, kat tko’s alex with a barrage of punches and then knocks her down with a punch to the temple..
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Kali Robbins(5-0) Defeats Sharon Jacobson(4-2) By Submission (Armbar) 0:42 Rnd 1 at Invicta FC 25 (115 lbs)
I like this fight I can see Sharon getting the win here! let it be known that Kali Robbins failed to make weight for this fight, if you can’t make the weight move up to the weight class your supposed to fight at no questions asked! BTW sharon looks to make this fight a payback for missing weight!! I like that!!
Rnd 1
2237hrs - Live Fight Results
Sharon comes out punching to a win but kali takes the win by a armbar!
Rnd 2
Rnd 3
Alyse Anderson(3-0) vs. Shino VanHoose(5-5) at Invicta FC 25 (105 lbs)
Rnd 1
2300hrs - Live Fight Results
here we go! touch of gloves, kicks and punches by both fighters, shino has head grab on alyse, alyse looking for takedown, alyse gets takedown but shino gets back up, now clinch on the cage, knees to the body by shino, takedown by by alyse, alyse on top, shino looking for sub attempt, back up by ref, jabs by both, takedown by alyse, big combos by shino at the end of the round
Alyse gets Round 1 10-9 over Shino
Rnd 2
2306hrs - Live Fight Results
touch of gloves, kick and jab by shino, kick by alyse, big right hands by shino, takedown by alyse, alyse on top control, alyse on top looking for some GnP, shino looking for a sub attempt, alyse on top and in control, both on the ground by the bell looking for some type of sub attempt with shino getting the most punches
Shino gets Round 2 10-9 over Alyse
Rnd 3
2320hrs - Live Fight Results
Touch of gloves, kick and punches by both, big punch by alyse, combo punches by shino, alyse goes for takedown and backfires and shino on top looking for sub attempt, and now alyse gets back up, now wardrobe malfunction, alyse on top now with shino defending and shino just keeps slapping the head of alyse while on the back, ref stands them up, kick and punch by shino, alyse goes for takedown now in clinch on the cage, knees by shino, alyse goes for RNC but shino defends and shino gets out, and ends on top with a little GnP and the bell ends it
Shino gets Round 3 10-9 over Alyse
Amberlynn Orr(0-1) vs. Sarah Kleczka(0-0)** at Invicta FC 25 (135 lbs)
Amberlynn is looking for that first win that could give this fight an edge! lets see how Sarah responds!
Rnd 1
2230hrs - Live Fight Results
here we go! sarah comes out with first blood, now in clinch, knees to body by both fighters, clinch on the cage, elbows by amber, kick by amber, kick by amber, takedown by amber, sarah in rnc mode and amber gets out and now amber on top, amber gets up, sarah gets back up, knees to the body by amber, amber had RNC but sarah was able to escape, now both are back to the clinch, knees by sarah, another RNC by sarah, amber survives.
Sarah gets Round 1 10-9 over Amber
Rnd 2
2235hrs - Live Fight Results
sarah stalks amber and punches away, kick and punches by sarah, amber gets a hard punch in, now amber clinches to the cage, amber going for takedown, sarah on top, amber reverses and now on top, amber now on top, amber looking for submission attempt, sarah going for armbar attempt, bell
Amber gets Round 2 10-9 over Sarah
Rnd 3
2250hrs - Live Fight Results
sarah goes for the attack and now the clinch, knees by sarah, more clinch control by sarah, back at center and now back on the cage, amber now in clinch control, fight has slowed, knees to the head by sarah, another knee to the head by sarah, knee to the head by sarah, knee to the body by sarah, sarah still in clinch control, fighters were seperated and threw some shots at each other, now in clinch, knees to the head by amber, fight goes the distance
Sarah gets Round 3 10-9 over Amber
Shaianna Rincón(2-0) Defeats Courtney King(1-1) By TKO (GnP) 3:41 Rnd 2 at Invicta FC 25 (145 lbs)
Rnd 1
2200hrs - Live Fight Results
Here we go! both at center, kick by king, takedown by yaya, yaya just punching away from on top, king back to her feet, now in clinch, king has head in armlock of yaya, king working for a takedown, knees to the body by king, punches by both, combos by king, now takedown by yaya, yaya on top, king now out, king on yaya’s back, king looking for RNC, king GnP, yaya survives the round
YaYa gets Round 1 10-9 over King
Rnd 2
2215hrs - Live Fight Results
both kick and punch and now takedown by yaya, king defends, now king scrambling, king working to get up, GnP by yaya, elbows by yaya, yaya working some good GnP, elbows by yaya, yaya still on top, yaya GnP to a win.
Rnd 3
2100hrs - Live Fight Results
Cheri Muraski(4-0) Defeats Tracy Cortez(0-1)** By Submission (Guillotine Choke) 2:42 Rnd 2 at Invicta FC 25 (125 lbs)
Wow Tracy has a mouth on her, being a cocky has its advantage but it can backfire on you, I am sure Cheri has something for Tracy lets get this fight done!!
Rnd 1
2155hrs - Live Fight Results
here we go, touch of gloves, cheri stalks tracy, both come out punching, elbows by tracy, cheri bleeding already, cheri bleeding hard now, tracy now just punching away, now clinch by tracy, elbow by cheri, major blood by cheri, big punches by cheri, cheri goes for clinch on cage but tracy reverses, hard combo by tracy, but cheri counters, tracy goes for takedown but cheri defends, takedown by cheri. both fight to the bell
Tracy gets Round 1 10-9 over Cheri
Rnd 2
2200hrs - Live Fight Results
tracy stalks cheri, now cheri goes for the clinch, now back at center, tracy now clinch against the cage, back at center, mouthpiece comes out for tracy by big left hand by cheri, back in clinch, knee by tacy, fight is done by guillotine choke by Cheri
Rnd 3
Jillian DeCoursey(1-0)** Defeats Ashley Medina(0-1)** By Decision (Split) 3×5 at Invicta FC 25 (105 lbs)
Both fighters are matched up well, with Ashley having the edge but we will see!! both fighters are making their pro and promotional debut!
Rnd 1
2120hrs - Live Fight Results
here we go! ashely comes out swinging first with lots of jabs!! julillian going for the takedown! clinch control by ashley, big punch by jillian, kick by jill, big punch by jill, jabs by ash, nice big punches by jill, clinch by ash, knees to the body by jill, jill goes for takedown but misses, ash defends the takedown, the spread out, back in center, jabs by jill, kick to the leg by ash, jab and combo by jill, wild punch and kick by jill, clinch by both, clinch control by jill, knees by jill, ash backs out to the center, jill throws jabs to back up ash, ash hangs tough, jill throws wild punches and ashes survives the round
Jillian gets Round 1 10-9 over Ashley
Rnd 2
2125hrs - Live Fight Results
Both fighters tie each other up and go for clinch control, both get knees to the body, back out in center, jab by jill, jill gets many jabs through and back up ash to the cage, ash working to get out, now back to the center, both jab each other, kick by ash, jabs by jill, jab by ash, jab by ash, jabs by ash, now back in clinch, jabs by ash, jabs by jill, kick by ash, knee to the body by ash, takedown attempt by jill, ash defends
Ashley Gets Rnd 2 10-9 over Jillian
Rnd 3
2136hrs - Live Fight Results
ashley stalks jill, ash jabs more, takedown by jill, GnP by jill, jill on top and in control, ash defending, jill on back of ash, jill going for RNC, ash defending, jill back on top and ash is working to get on her feet, jill getting GnP in, jill in control jill on top with GnP, jill losses position, jill looks for armbar, fight is over and both fighter survive
Jillian gets Rnd 3 10-9 over Ashley