Lena vs. Rebecca at Bellator 150


Bellator 150 starts right away with the women’s fight. Both fighters come out swinging as they make their pro debut with Bellator. Lena gets a great takedown and moving for a armlock but Rebecca reverses the position to side control and has it locked. Rebecca on top and Lena is looking for a armbar move but Rebecca goes for some hard knees to the side in a tight side control. This is the first time that Lena looked like she’s been in trouble in the first round of a fight and she was bleeding from the mouth at the end of round 1.

Ruth comes out swinging and goes for a kick and slips and falls, Lena takes advantage for a few seconds and Ruth escapes and gets back up. Both fighters are now throwing power punches with Lena throwing a hard left hand and Ruth countering with a 1 2 punch, Ruth catches Lena with a power right hand punch and knocks Lena to the ground. Rebecca has Lena in control on the cage, and is just punching her hard. Lena is bleeding from her mouth and every time Lena throws a punch its not hard and Ruth just comes back with a heavy punch and just knocking Lena back and down to the ground.

Round three of the fight had both fighters coming out swinging with Rebecca getting the best of Lena with some hard punches and Lena getting the most punches with the round ending and going to the cards.

Lena was the heavy favorite in this fight with her background in Muay Thai and boxing. Rebecca came into this fight with being the Golden Gloves Champ out of St Louis with her pure boxing skills showed it off tonight and Lena had no answer for it. You have to give it to Lena for hanging in there and taking it all three rounds with her experience.

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