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FAM FIGHT NIGHT Happening Sept 3rd

Agora é a vez das meninas representarem na organização do Fam Fight . Jesian Júlia de Souza (CT Salazar /Gracie Barra Aparecida de Goiânia) encara Fabiane “Fabi” Pires dos Santos (Team CTAM) de Itumbiara – GO até 52kg e as duas tem perfil de ir pra cima, então prepara que vai ser paulera. Não percam o FAM FIGHT NIGHT dia 03/09 ás 19:11 no Clube Antonio Ferreira Pacheco em Goiânia – GO.
Now it is the turn of the girls represent the Organization of the Family Fight. Julia Jesian de Souza (CT Salazar Bar/Gracie Aparecida de Goiânia) faces Fabiane Fabi Pires dos Santos (Team CTAM) of Itumbiara-GO up to 52 kg and they both have to go to profile up, so get ready it will be paulera.

Don’t miss the FAM FIGHT NIGHT 03/09 day at 19:11 in Antonio Ferreira Pacheco Club in Goiânia-GO.


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