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SportsGeeks Featuring Jocelyn Lybarger 10 Questions


By Frank L Ramirez and Sam Wilson

Thank you for taking some time to answer some questions about your career and your upcoming fight.

We talked back in 2010 for a short interview thank you for that interview here is some questions for a upcoming article for my our website that I am writing about blackeye promotions…


1. (flr) I see that you’re fighting alongside with your twin sister, tell us about what you think about that?

  • (Jocelyn)Jillian is the reason I fight. After watching her 2nd fight I just know I wanted to do the same thing. I just moved to AZ two weeks ago and Jillian is the reason why. It’s better that we train together because we push each other.


2. (flr) Tell us a little bit about your career as wmma fighter?

  • (Jocelyn) Right now I’m 3-1 as an ammy. I have had some great fights and looking to get 2 more fights in before fighting Pro in Feb for Blackeye. Jillian and I knew the twin thing would take off over night and it’s been a great ride.


3. (flr)How was your training camp?

  • (Jocelyn)For my past fights my training camps have been great and now they are going to be amazing since I’m now living in AZ.


4. You are fighting for blackeye promotions tell about your experience with the company so far?

  • (Jocelyn)Blackeye has been great to Jillian and I flying us out for the weekend, doing signing at gay prides they are even flying my Dad out from L.A so he can be a part of this big event. Jillian and I are so very blessed because we are walking away with all new friendships.

5. (flr)How do you see wmma as of right now?

  • (Jocelyn)WMMA is NOT going any where!!


6. (flr)Do you train specifically with your sister or do you both train at different gyms?

  • (Jocelyn)We both train together at Siege MMA great gym, great people everyone is family there. We also do our condition at The Training Room in Scottsdale AZ.


7. (flr)What is your biggest accomplishment in your life?

  • (Jocelyn)My big accomplishment so far in my life is meeting Amy the love of my life. She stands beside me on everything I do. She is the best wife ever.

8. (flr)How do you see wmma in the future?

  • (Jocelyn)Like I said before and I will say it again Wmma will be around for a very long time.

9. (flr)How tough is it, to be a wmma fighter that is dominated by men?

  • (Jocelyn)It’s not hard at all. Its so much fun. The only thing that gets to me is the people who sit at the computer and talk shit all day about WMMA.

10. (flr)One last question this is a question I always ask fighters it provides a little background and character of who you are: if you could put a DVD in the DVD player what movie could you watch over and over?

  • (Jocelyn)If I could put a DVD in and watch it over and over…. I would have to say G.J Jane. I love that movie and I love the women power that’s in it!! GREAT MOVIE

11. (SW)How does being a MMA Fighter make you successful outside the cage. What are your plans AFTER the cage/MMA?

  • (Jocelyn)MMA makes me want more and more in life I push harder and harder everyday. I thank God for MMA because that is how I met Kevin from It Ain’t Chemo i get to help people everyday who are living with cancer. This is way more to my life then just work and MMA. After MMA I will still be helping out everyone is the sport and outside of the sport!!



Thank you Jocelyn for the interview, cannot wait for your next fight and so cannot wait for you to go pro, good luck and God speed…


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